Decide Texas takes Seattle

I’ll be doing a very short presentation at the Congress for the New Urbanism conference in Seattle this week, giving a three minute version of the Decide Texas project and the Texas Transportation Equity Assessment.

But I’ll be unveiling something new here – encouraging folks to help us build an Nationwide Equity Assessment of American MPOs, through a Rapid Equity Assessment setup that I created.

Metropolitan Planning Organizations are really really important and most activists and many elected and public servants don’t understand how or why, even many who are working to provide better transit, safe streets, and walkable urbanism to meet the massive pent up demand for such things in America. We want to change that.

Lots of MPOs are wildly inequitable in the structures that dictates who gets the seats on the policy council making important decisions and in the racial, ethnic, gender, and geographic representation on those councils.

You can start a Rapid Equity Assessment for your MPO here.

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