Improving Regional Planning

At Farm&City, we are dedicated to enhancing regional planning through equitable scenario planning, safe multimodal access models, and fair representation. Our holistic approach includes pushing for MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) and TxDOT (Texas Department of Transportation) planning reforms while addressing the impacts on climate, air, and water. We aim to create sustainable and inclusive growth across Texas.

Our Approach

We serve as a catalyst for change, shifting the paradigm, goals, values, and flows of data, maps, and ideas that guide major policy decisions. One of our significant achievements was breaking the gridlock at TxDOT headquarters. In 2019, the Texas Department of Transportation adopted our proposed safe systems approach, setting the Road to Zero goal to end traffic deaths statewide by 2050 and cut them in half by 2035. They also doubled dedicated transportation safety funding, adding $300 million annually. Today, the Texas Transportation Commission has redirected $1.85 billion to dedicated safety spending, with Farm&City being the primary advocacy nonprofit driving this change.

Key Initiatives

  • Equitable Scenario Planning: We develop and promote growth scenarios that consider diverse community needs, aiming to create equitable and sustainable development across regions.
  • Safe Multimodal Access Models: Our models prioritize safety and accessibility for all modes of transportation, ensuring that planning efforts support walkability, cycling, and public transit.
  • Fair Representation: We advocate for inclusive decision-making processes that reflect the diversity of Texas communities, ensuring that all voices are heard in regional planning.

The Importance of MPOs

The Texas transportation decision-making system is decentralized, with 23 MPOs allocating billions of dollars each year. Over 85% of Texans live within an MPO’s boundaries, yet many are unaware of their existence and role in regional planning. These entities have a profound impact on our lives. We believe regional democracies can be significantly improved through increased transparency, advocacy, and the co-creation of more equitable, resilient, and efficient processes for regional decision-making and resource allocation.

Reforming MPOs and State Transportation Policy

  • State Transportation Policy Reform: Advocating for comprehensive changes to state policies that govern transportation planning and funding.
  • EPA Community Change Grant Project: Leveraging grants to drive community-led planning initiatives.
  • TxDOT Reform: Pushing for transparency, accountability, and safety in TxDOT’s planning and operations.

Combating Sprawl

  • Promoting Abundant Housing: reforms including ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units), eTOD (Equitable Transit-Oriented Development) Funds, and parking mandates.
  • Multimodal Funding: Supporting diverse transportation options at state, local, and regional levels.
  • Carbon Emissions Reduction: Working with TxDOT and MPOs to reduce transportation-related carbon emissions.

Long-term Vision: Fifty Million Texans

As Texas approaches a population of 50 million, we need to prepare for sustainable and inclusive growth. Our Fifty Million Texans project combines smart growth, inclusive regional planning, and modernizing local development codes into an equitable, sustainable vision for Texas’s future. Initially focusing on the Austin region, we aim to replicate this campaign in other metro regions over the coming decades.

Our Goals:

  • Foster sustainable living in Texas metropolises.
  • Optimize Regional Transportation Plans for future growth.
  • Modernize local land development codes for long-term sustainability.

Our Actions:

  • Produce alternative growth scenarios and policy proposals.
  • Conduct public research and collaboration.
  • Advocate for regional Vision Zero Action Plans.
  • Establish an Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Fund.

Farm&City’s work in improving regional planning is crucial for the sustainable and equitable growth of Texas. By enhancing MPO processes, advocating for smart growth, and empowering local advocates, we aim to create a future where all Texans can thrive in safe, inclusive, and resilient communities.