Why Farm?
Texas is still rich with wide open spaces, abundant ecological diversity, and people who live thriving rural lives. Texas rural areas provide food, clothing, ecological services, and access to nature that is essential to the long term health of our entire state. Texans deserve public policies that stop the destruction of farmland, provide for thriving rural small towns, and preserve the abundant beauty of our state for all future generations.

Why City?
Texas is home to 29 million people and will grow to about 50 million people by around the middle of this century, unless some drastic world changing event occurs. Healthy cities provide for healthy and prosperous human lives, while minimizing the negative impacts on our natural and rural worlds. Texans deserve safe, multimodal transportation systems connecting mixed-use, mixed-income, complete communities with a variety of affordable life-style options for all.

Why Farm&City?
We work at the intersections of urban planning, transportation, sustainability, and equity. We believe that Texas public policy is complex and that we cannot separate issues like affordability from health, or farmland protection from transportation policy. Our vision is a stable, resilient Texas that can maintain a healthy and happy human population in perpetuity, and we believe strong cities and strong farms are necessary to achieve this vision.

Where is this organization based?
Farm&City works across Texas and our organization has adopted a virtual operations model. When we have job openings – if there is no specific reason to be in one place, such as in Austin to interact with the legislature – the jobs are open to anyone residing anywhere in the State of Texas with reasonable internet access. Until the COVID-19 crisis, we were based in Austin, and expect to continue to maintain a presence in state affairs centered in Austin in perpetuity.

Is Farm&City a charitable organization?
Yes, Farm&City is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit registered as a non-profit corporation in the State of Texas and as a charity with the IRS. Donations to Farm&City are eligible to counted as deductible contributions.

Is Farm&City non-partisan?
Yes, Farm&City does not engage in electioneering or any sort of party politics. We work with leaders across the state, including elected officials of both major parties, to improve public policy for all Texans.

Does Farm&City lobby?
Yes, Farm&City engages in some lobbying activity at the state and local level – and very occasionally at the Federal level – to further our mission of high quality urban and rural human habitat in Texas in perpetuity. However, this work is never more than 20% of our spending of money or time, according to IRS regulations of 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

Why does it say “human habitat” in the mission statement?
Our organization exists to support the existence of a large human population in harmony with the rest of the natural world in Texas. We support conservation efforts and preservation of habitats suitable to the flora and fauna of Texas, but our focus is on providing high quality human habitat. We believe improving human quality of life in Texas works hand in hand with restoring nature and preserving our climate to sustain human life.