Tell the feds your thoughts on CAMPO’s performance

Every four years, MPOs are subject to federal review by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). As part of this process, these agencies want to hear from the public about how regional transportation projects affect our lives and what we think can be improved.

This evening, from 5pm to 7pm at UT campus (2405 Robert Dedman Drive), is the public input hearing for this cycle’s federal certification review. The public is asked to provide feedback on the following questions:

1. Do you have any comments regarding the CAMPO TransportationPolicy Board’s performance in carrying out the responsibility of the region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)?

2. Is CAMPO doing an overall good job of providing the public with a reasonable opportunity to provide input and participate as part of the metropolitan transportation planning process?

3. Are there specific areas you feel CAMPO could improve? If so, explain.

Earlier this year, we encouraged public engagement with CAMPO to urge them to adopt a Vision Zero Action Plan, and they heard your voices! CAMPO is responsible for the administration of hundreds of millions of dollars of annual transportation funds but receives relatively little attention. Establishing a tradition of sustained public engagement will ensure efficient and accurate representation of regional transportation interests.

Show up this evening and give the federal government your thoughts on CAMPO’s performance! CAMPO and its board members perform vital public services, but as we have uncovered in our research, there are certainly aspects of CAMPO with room for improvement.

After you provide your testimony, or for those unable to attend, send your answers to the prompts to and