All Texas Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are in the process of developing a new Transportation Improvement Plan right now, and they need to hear your wants, desires, vision, and needs for the regional transportation system.

Do you wish that we put the highest priority on ending traffic deaths and serious injuries in Texas?

You should tell your MPO.

Do you want all members of your family, from 8 year olds to 80 year olds, to be able to freely choose to walk, bike, skateboard, or use a wheelchair comfortably and safely as a normal transportation option?

You should tell your MPO.

Do you want regional growth policies that do not unnecessarily destroy Texas land, increase greenhouse gas emissions, worsen air quality and illnesses like asthma, or price farmers out of farmland?

You should tell your MPO.

Do you want equitable allocations of funding around the metro region and among the different modes and lifestyles of all the people of your region?

You should tell your MPO.

For the Austin area, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is accepting public comments on their 2021-2024 TIP through the end of the day, this Monday, June 1st. You just need to send an email to to have your voice heard. The CAMPO Transportation Policy Board (TPB) will be meeting to consider and adopt the proposed TIP on Monday, June 8th at 2pm. You will be able to sign up to speak during that virtual meeting if you would like to speak to the Policy Board about your vision for your regional transportation system.

For the Houston region, the Houston – Galveston Area Council will be voting on their 2021-2024 TIP during the June meeting of the Transportation Policy Council. The public comment period has already closed, but you should be able to submit in person comments at the actual virtual meeting.

For the Dallas / Fort Worth region, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) will consider and adopt their 2021-2024 TIP at their next meeting on Thursday, June 11. There is no information available on the website about the ability to make public comments on the proposed TIP. However, you will be able to call in and make your comments during the meeting on the 11th by calling toll free 1-800-250-3900 and entering PIN code 442318# when prompted.

For the San Antonio region, the Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) Transportation Policy Board (TPB) already adopted their 2021-2024 TIP on May 18th.

We will continue adding information here to allow you to contact all 23 Texas MPOs, as we gather it.

Follow Farm&City on Twitter and Facebook for more information about how these projects might affect the CAMPO service area.

You can support our work to empower all Texans to meaningfully engage in equitable, sustainable regional planning by donating to our summer fundraising campaign, which is partially funding our team of summer interns, who are working hard right now to provide context and analysis to aid in this decision on which project to defer.