Policy Hacking with Farm&City is a monthly online meetup for people fixing Texas public policy. This month is the second in a two part series looking at how TXDOT and our regional governments – (Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) – plan for our future, and how we could improve the Texas transportation decision making system with Scenario Planning.
This month heard from active participants in the development of the I-45 and I-35 projects in Houston and Austin, each presenting important different points of view or alternative proposals for the best way to fix these troubled corridors.
This was the second in this series. The first event was focused on the broad concept of using Scenario Planning to improve Texas transportation decision making processes.
Heyden Black Walker, Reconnect Austin
Bakeyah Nelson, Air Alliance Houston
Casey Burack, Downtown Austin Alliance
Christof Spieler, Huitt-Zollars (consultant to City of Houston)
Adam Greenfield, ReThink35
Jay Blazek Crossley, Farm&City