Sadly, Texas leads the nation in traffic deaths, but with your help, we can lead the nation in ending traffic deaths. Every day ten people die on our Texas streets and roads, each one a family tragedy.
Farm&City is working with community groups, nonprofits, elected officials, activists, citizens, and private companies to support the Vision Zero Texas legislative agenda – a series of bills that will help end traffic deaths.
The Texas legislature is now more aware than ever before of the tragic toll of traffic crashes on Texas families. We need to gather a dedicated core of citizen advocates from across the state to get these common sense bills passed and signed by Governor Abbott, this year. You can help save lives on our streets.

We are developing leadership teams to actively shepherd each bill through the legislative process. We are also looking for interested groups, organizations, companies, governments or elected officials to sign on as sponsors, and representative members to join our pool of volunteer advocates.
We will be hosting numerous virtual meetings for our teams. During these meeting we will provide updates on the legislative process, and you will have the opportunity to talk to fellow advocates and team members to plan actions and strategies.
The Vision Zero Texas Lege Agenda
Here are our priority Vision Zero bills that deserve bipartisan support:
Safe Neighborhood Streets
Speed Kills. Lowering speed limits on residential streets by a few miles per hour will save lives on Texas streets. The Safe Neighborhood Streets bill will allow lower, safer speed limits on two-lane, undivided residential streets.
Stop for Pedestrians
Texas is one of the most dangerous states in the nation for pedestrians. This bill adds “stop for” in three places in the Texas transportation code, a small change that will save lives and help provide closure for victims’ families.
Consistent, Statewide Hands-Free
Most Texans know distraction is a big issue, but until there’s statewide consistency, distracted driving is hard to enforce and too many people are endangering themselves. Distracted driving isn’t worth it for Texas.
Safe Routes to School
We all want Safe Routes to School for our children, but the State of Texas invests exactly zero dollars of state funds. It’s time the state matched Federal and local Safe Routes to School efforts to give children safe streets.
Crash Not Accident
This bill would simply change every instance of the misleading term “accident” when referring to a traffic crashes in the Texas transportation code to “crash” to establish a culture of responsibility around these tragic incidents.
End Drunk Driving in Texas
We shouldn’t have to say it, but people are still drinking and driving. It’s time to revisit our laws, and do more to put an end to drunk driving, forever. Even though we’ve seen reductions, 1 out of every 4 traffic deaths involves alcohol.
Dedicated Transportation Safety Funding
In 2019, the Texas Transportation Commission allocated $300 million a year to end traffic deaths. The Legislature should ensure this funding continues saving lives until we are successful on the Road to Zero.
You can also help pass the Vision Zero Texas legislative agenda by donating to Farm&City today

Farm&City is a small 501c3 nonprofit that relies upon our ability to collaborate across the state and empower citizen volunteers to do bigger things than our budget would make seem possible. The more that we can build a solid foundation for this charitable organization, the better job we can do bringing more volunteers into this work, and making our collective actions effective.
Can we count on your support today to pursue this ambitious state and local Vision Zero agenda to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in Texas?
Want to become a better Advocate for Vision Zero at the local level?

Policy Hacking is a monthly virtual gathering designed to disassemble, shake up, and figure out how to fix important public policy challenges across Texas. We seek to engage and support citizen advocacy in local communities with viable solutions to solve pressing problems. Sign up, tell your friends, and let’s all become better advocates for safe Texas streets for all.