Job Opening: June 1
Farm&City is seeking graduate student interns for the summer 2021 semester to assist with a range of intersecting public policy spheres including areas such as:
- Sustainable and equitable regional growth strategies,
- Transportation planning, funding and safety
- Improving access by transit for rural and urban people
- Equitable democratic decision-making systems
Primary responsibilities:
- Working with minimal direction, interns will have opportunities to research, collaborate, and create proposals for policy change
- Work with Farm&City staff to turn these proposals into position papers, and potential policy resolutions
- Work with Farm&City staff to develop a supporting strategic campaign model to engage the public, recruit and train volunteers, establish support, and engage local, county and state lawmakers.
The preferred candidate must:
- be able to work both independently and remotely as part of a dispersed team
- have strong abilities in research and data analysis
- be able to effectively use basic office software, social media, and websites
- be really excited – to a contagious extent – about fighting for safer streets and Vision Zero in Texas
Ideal candidate will have:
- passion for transportation safety, safe streets, equity, urbanism, addressing climate change, and public policy in general
- creative writing and text editing abilities
- multilingual skills, including ability to write in English as well as Spanish, Vietnamese or other leading languages of Texas
Interns may work remotely from anywhere in Texas
Compensation and hours: The interns will work as full time staff (at least 30 hours a week) for ten weeks and will receive $12 per hour. As we are a small nonprofit, Farm&City cannot provide any formal employee benefits at this time, save for an incredible learning opportunity.
Reports to: Executive Director
How to Apply
Interested candidates should email a resume and a brief statement of why you are excited to work on our policy issues to Jay Blazek Crossley at You can learn more about Farm&City at
Applications due by April 9, 2021
About Farm&City
Farm&City is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to high quality urban & rural human habitat in Texas in perpetuity. Our four major program areas are Vision Zero Texas, 50 Million Texans, Decide Texas and Texas Friends of Transit. Each program area is an opportunity to improve the quality of lives of a huge human population and the environment they live in. We believe improving human quality of life in Texas works hand in hand with restoring nature, preserving our climate, and creating resilient communities to sustain and enhance human life.
We believe profound policy change comes from working across a broad range of issues, at all levels of government. Working vertically, we can address public policy in state legislation and at state agencies, in regional policies and at metropolitan planning organizations, as well as in our counties, cities, and neighborhoods. Working horizontally, we work across distinct, but intersecting public policy arenas, because we believe improvements in one sector impact can positively impact other seemingly disparate areas.
Farm&City plays a crucial role in promoting both best practices and beneficial ideas, while fostering collaboration at different levels of government, and with a range of state and community partners. We use an interdisciplinary method to bring complementary policy understandings together from transportation, urban planning, sustainability, good governance and equity concerns. We believe that regional growth problems are better addressed with a deep understanding of transit planning, the impact of urban form on health, as well as market dynamics. But most of all, we believe, with your help, we can bring about a real paradigm shift for our state and its people.