Sadly, ten people die on an average day in the Texas transportation system. We need every elected official at every level of government to include ending this epidemic as a top priority.
In May of 2019, the Texas Transportation Commission gave the Texas Department of Transportation a goal to cut traffic deaths in half by 2035 and end traffic deaths in Texas by 2050.
To reach this goal, every city, county, metropolitan planning organization, and transportation agency in Texas needs to adopt responsible goals and action plans to end traffic deaths and serious injuries. And that’s why we launched the Every City, Every County, Every Life campaign.
Because together, we can end traffic deaths in Texas
It just takes three people to change a city or a county or a whole metropolitan region. Which is why we are looking for dedicated volunteers to focus on getting a local government to adopt Vision Zero. Farm&City will supply the research, data, training, and materials, but you need to go to city hall, to the county commissioners court meetings, or the MPO policy board meetings and ask for them to center safety in all transportation decisions.
And then you need to go back again. And bring some more friends. And get people to participate in a letter writing campaign. We’re going to keep working on this until every city, every county, and every MPO in Texas has adopted a goal to end traffic deaths and serious injuries.
Sign up to be a leader for your local jurisdiction
And click HERE to learn more about the Vision Zero Texas Program