Please plan to join us for
Policy Hacking with Farm&City
Thursday, March 3rd
4pm Central (3pm Mountain)
“Let’s talk about our Walk”
with our friends
Ian Thomas, State and Local Program Director for America Walks
Jessica Lemann, Associate State Director of Outreach & Advocacy for AARP Texas
And finally we’re returning to in-person events with a hybrid model so you can join us virtually, or in person at Capital Factory in downtown Austin
At the core of every community, and every neighborhood are our streets – the more walkable they are, the safe and more welcoming our neighborhoods feel for young and old alike.
At the national level America Walks is helping lead the way in advancing walkable, equitable, connected, and accessible places in every community across the U.S. One way they are doing this is through the Walking College, which offers participants an opportunity to hone their skills and knowledge around creating vibrant, safe, accessible communities for all. This year, there’s a special program that’s all about better walking in Texas. Join us and learn more.
Ian Thomas, State and Local Program Director for America Walks, along with Jessica Lemann, Associate State Director of Outreach & Advocacy for AARP Texas, which sponsors the Walking College will join us to talk about this program, and make a big announcement.
Please join us as we continue our year long discussion about how we all can work to make our streets safer and more equitable for people of all ages and abilities!
Or join us in-person, in Austin at the Capital Factory in downtown Austin.
Capital Factory is located in the Austin Centre building at 7th and Brazos in the middle of downtown Austin, Texas.
Capital Factory
701 Brazos Street
Austin, TX 78701
Our Policy Hacking meetup will be held on the 1st floor in Devvie. Enter the large Capital Factory space from the main lobby and head to your left from the reception desk to get to Devvie.
Light snacks and drinks will be available for in-person guests. Please follow CDC guidelines out of respect for the other humans around you.

Held the first Thursday of every month, Policy Hacking with Farm&City is free and open to the public. Sign up for our Meetup group or email newsletter to make sure you don’t miss the next discussion.