
Farm&City is a small, startup nonprofit growing to fill unmet needs at the state and regional level and to support the work of many people across the state. We do our work by empowering people to help improve public policies, including building a team of professional nonprofit advocacy staff. To do this work, we need a growing team helping to keep this organization going and supporting our capacity.

Board of Directors

Megan Howse Brendle
Jacob Clifton
Ben DiPietro
Toto Miranda


Jay Blazek Crossley
Executive Director

Jay Blazek Crossley was born in Whitney, grew up in Montrose, came to Austin for ten years to get two degrees from the University of Texas, moved back to Houston for ten years to work for Houston Tomorrow, and moved back to Austin in 2016. He holds a Masters in Public Affairs from the LBJ School at UT-Austin and the LINE Certificate from the Leadership Institute for Nonprofit Executives at Rice University, and lives in Austin with his wife and son.

Crossley serves on the Austin Transit Partnership Community Advisory Committee, the Capital Area Regional Transit Coordination Committee, the Texas Strategic Highway Safety Plan Stakeholder Committee and several emphasis area teams, and as the Chair of the Board of Safe Streets Austin. He formerly served as a member of the Board of the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Chair of the Austin Pedestrian Advisory Council, Chair of the Houston-Galveston Area Council Pedestrian-Bicyclist Subcommittee, and many other public service roles.

Katrina Miller
Policy Analyst

Katrina was born and raised in Alaska and attended Willamette University in Oregon, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health with a focus on active mobility and climate resilience. In 2022, she followed family to Texas and got involved in local mobility, housing, and sustainability advocacy in Austin. Miller serves as vice chair of the Austin Pedestrian Advisory Council and is a member of the 2026 Bond Election Advisory Task Force.

Chris Pittman
Amarillo Metropolitan Organizer

David Fouts
Safe Streets Training Leader

David grew up in California but lived in China for seven years before moving to Austin, Texas. He holds a bachelor’s in Chinese Language and Literature from Portland State University, a bachelor’s in Urban Planning from Arizona State University, and a master’s in International Relations from Zhejiang University. He is an advocate for a safer and more comprehensive transportation system and abundant housing in Austin where he works with local groups, like AURA, to accomplish this. He also serves on Austin’s Zoning and Platting Commission. David’s primary responsibility at Farm&City is developing, planning, and instructing the Safe Streets for Texans training workshops for local governments across Texas.

Future Job Openings

We do not have any open positions at this time. However, if you share our vision and passion for this work, please feel free to contact Jay Blazek Crossley for more information or to share your resume and career goals. He’s always happy to go out for lunch or coffee and talk about improving Texas public policy.

Former Staff

Cam Brett, Research Assistant
Ken Flippin, Lead Organizer, Vision Zero Texas
Ashkan Jahangiri, Policy Analyst & Daily Headlines, Streetsblog Texas
Daniel Kavelman, Land Use Reform Lead
Alexandria Chloe Mayer, GIS Analyst
Liz McGehee, AURA YIMBYtown Lead
Scott White, Director, Vision Zero Texas
Jesse Woche, Organizer, Vision Zero Texas
Alyson Vargas, Policy Analyst

Former Interns

Caroline “Cara” Cook, UT-Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs
Tynan J. Holt, UT-Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs
Nafisa Iskandar, UT-Austin, Community & Regional Planning
Madilyn Jarman, UT-Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs
Hailey McHorse, Lewis & Clark College
Olivia Muehlberger, UT-Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs
Peter Rios, UT-Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs
Kaia Robinson, UT-Austin, Sustainability Studies/Smart Cities
August Stanley, UT-Austin, Community & Regional Planning
Nile Stewart, UT-Austin, College of Liberal Arts
Heather Yu, UW-Seattle, Evans School of Public Administration
Philip Jankoski, UT-Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs
Laura Thomas, UT-Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs