An equitable, safe, green, accessible future for Texas

We have launched a monthly MeetUp, generously hosted by Capital Factory in Downtown Austin, to foster complex conversations about the future of Texas. The events are free and open to the public and happen every first Thursday of the month from 6 – 8pm on the 16th Floor at 701 Brazos Street. The inaugural event …

ACTION ALERT: Support TXDOT staff proposal to double safety funding

The annual Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) process called the Unified Transportation Program (UTP) is underway. This is a ten year plan that allocates funding across the state and across different priorities. A staff proposal is included in the draft 2020 UTP to add $600 million for the next two fiscal years dedicated to the …

Whew – Texas has adopted a goal to end traffic deaths by 2050, cut in half by 2035

Texas leads the nation in traffic deaths. We can lead the nation in ending traffic deaths. On May 30, 2019, the Texas Transportation Commission adopted a goal to end traffic deaths in the State of Texas by 2050. Farm&City has worked for the last two years with local activists and nonprofits, families who have suffered …