TXDOT Launches Council on System Safety, Recommends Adopting Statewide Zero Fatality Goal

At the March 28, 2019 meeting of the Texas Transportation Commission, a discussion item was devoted to “System Safety,” following a request from Vision Zero activists the month before to devote time on an upcoming agenda to safety. C. Michael Lee, PE, TXDOT’s Director of Engineering and Safety Operations gave a presentation covering ongoing safety …

Vision Zero

Vision Zero Texas Statewide Reception: May 22

Join us for an evening receptionat historic Symphony Square on Waller Creek in Downtown Austinto celebrate transportation safety progress across Texasand support the work of Vision Zero Texas Vision Zero Texas Statewide ReceptionWednesday, May 22, 6 – 8 pm Symphony Square on Waller Creek1111 Red River StreetAustin, Texas Get your tickets and support Vision Zero Texas today …

The Case for Transit Funding in Texas

If you’re reading this in a major Texas metro, you are currently experiencing about 1/3 the transit funding than you would experience in the other largest major US metros. There is less bus frequency, less places you can get to by transit, less high quality rapid transit options, less fiscally productive real estate investment, and …