City of Houston Staff Present Vision Zero to Bicycle Advisory Committee

Of the ten largest cities in the nation, Houston, Dallas, and Phoenix are the only ones left without a Vision Zero Action Plan to end traffic deaths and serious injuries. As documented in the Houston Chronicle series of reports, Houston is one of the most dangerous transportation systems in the nation. First published in print …

H-GAC Transportation Policy Council Starts Tough Discussion on Equitable Representation

Strategies and funding allocations for transportation, urban planning, sustainability, and equity issues in Texas metropolitan regions are decided at our Texas metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). Unfortunately, these decision making entities generally lack fair representation from the diverse people of their metro regions. For example, the Houston region is the most diverse large metropolitan region in …

10 Best 2018 Buried Stories in Texas Public Policy – 2/2

Texas is a big state with big issues happening across the state. Here is our list of significant public policy stories that happened across the state that might not have received as much attention as they may have deserved. This post contains explanations of six through ten, and a first post includes one through five, …