It’s too freaking hot and we need to do something about

The heat wave across Texas is but a taste of the disastrous future that Texas climate denial policies are pushing us deeper into. Texas land use and transportation systems are broken, outdated, costly, and only making these problems worse. We can address this now – here in Texas. Farm&City works with communities and nonprofits across …

It is time to comment on TxDOT’s UTP

How is the Texas transportation system working out for you? If you could spend about $115 billion over the next ten years to improve safe, multimodal access for all the people of Texas, how would you divvy up the money? Don’t tell us, tell TxDOT:Find out more at Unified Transportation Program – Public InvolvementClick on …

Just another oversized parking lot

ACTION ALERT: Ask Austin City Council to let more people live in the City of Austin without costly parking mandates

Working with our partners in the Austin Parking Reform Coalition, we have launched a letter writing campaign in support of proposed affordability, climate, and equity reforms that Austin City Council will consider on Thursday, April 21, 2022. Please send in your letter today and help us spread this campaign for a more affordable, green Austin.