Passage of SB 1055 sparks paradigm shift in Texas pedestrian safety

As many of us know in our bones – when we’re considering how to get across a six lane stroad with people driving 50mph in the middle of a Texas city – Texas streets are not safe for people when we are walking, biking, or using an assistive mobility device. We consistently rank as one …

Texas House passes HB 3325, the Crash Not Accident bill!

On Friday, April 23, 2021, the Texas House of Representatives passed HB 3325, the Crash Not Accident bill, to replace every instance of the word “accident” in the Texas Transportation Code with the more appropriate word “crash.” The bill, filed by State Representative J.M. Lozano, has a companion in the Texas Senate, SB 1945, filed …

TxDOT is seriously considering abandoning the 85th percentile rule

Texas continues to lead the nation in traffic deaths, with traffic deaths actually increasing in 2020, even though Texans were driving significantly less last year than the year before. Many believe that our high rates of traffic deaths have a lot to do with dangerous speeds that many Texans use when driving cars and trucks. …