Come to one of four TXDOT traffic safety workshops in May

TXDOT is making incremental progress towards seriously pursuing an end to transportation deaths throughout the state. The 2017-2019 Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) begins with the following mission statement: Texans will work together on the road to zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries. Ending transportation deaths is possible, and agencies throughout the levels of government …

Tell the feds your thoughts on CAMPO’s performance

Every four years, MPOs are subject to federal review by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). As part of this process, these agencies want to hear from the public about how regional transportation projects affect our lives and what we think can be improved. This evening, from 5pm to 7pm …

A safer Texas, one 311 request at a time

I live and work on North Lamar between North Loop and Koenig. It’s the first place I’ve lived in Texas that enables anything close to an urban lifestyle. Meaning that I live in a nice little apartment and can easily walk to several shops and restaurants. I can bike to HEB in ten minutes, and …