$480m Up For Grabs in CAMPO TIP Call

Like all Metropolitan Planning Organizations in Texas, Austin’s CAMPO develops a short-term Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) every two years that ties together all regionally significant transportation projects in an attempt at a cohesive plan that meets long term vision and goals established in the longer Regional Transportation Plan process. A lot of the funding decision …

CAMPO Hosting Open Houses Throughout April

Farm&City received the following alert from CAMPO, the Austin region’s metropolitan planning organization. This information did not seem to be available on the CAMPO website. The full email is presented below. The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) invites you to attend an open house for the 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and the Regional Arterials Study. …

Ask CAMPO for a regional Vision Zero Action Plan

The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is the transportation decision making body for Central Texas. Metropolitan planning organizations such as CAMPO are federally mandated to adopt periodic safety performance targets. Every day four people die or suffer incapacitating injuries across our region, a much higher rate than many American metropolitan areas. This is something …