Two Austin Fire trucks pulling out of a fire station

Austin’s awesome Emergency/Transit Vehicle Signal Priority project threatened to be unfunded by CAMPO Policy Board

Quick and safe access for emergency vehicles, prioritizing public transportation vehicles, and improving the overall safety and ease of being on a busy road: All of these are outcomes of the proposed Emergency / Transit Vehicle Signal Priority project that the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Transportation Policy Board (TPB) funded last year, but …

CAMPO Policy Board: Fully fund Active Transportation!

The Austin region needs to maintain funding for active transportation, transit, & smart traffic solutions Everyone who has ever driven through Austin, TX knows that it is not always the easiest city to navigate. Our city roadways seem to be endlessly expanding, with never ending construction zones and traffic. The city’s history of expanding roadways …

Your voice needed in planning for Texas regional growth

All Texas Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are in the process of developing a new Transportation Improvement Plan right now, and they need to hear your wants, desires, vision, and needs for the regional transportation system. Do you wish that we put the highest priority on ending traffic deaths and serious injuries in Texas? You should …