The Case for Transit Funding in Texas

If you’re reading this in a major Texas metro, you are currently experiencing about 1/3 the transit funding than you would experience in the other largest major US metros. There is less bus frequency, less places you can get to by transit, less high quality rapid transit options, less fiscally productive real estate investment, and …

10 Great Buried Texas Public Policy Stories from 2018 – 1/2

Texas is a big state with big issues happening across the state. Here is our list of significant public policy stories that happened across the state that might not have received as much attention as they may have deserved. This post contains explanations of one through five, and a second post includes six through ten. …

Comments Due Today, October 26 in Support of HOV Lanes for Transit on US290 in Houston

TXDOT completely rebuilt a major transportation corridor, US290 in Houston, with zero improvements for transit, because of the intense flaws and inequities in the Texas transportation funding and decision making system, even though TXDOT staff publicly spoke about the need to add HOV capacity and Mayor Sylvester Turner’s Transportation Transition Team specifically called for TXDOT, …