Access to frequent bus service for Austinites living in poverty currently and with the proposed Connections 2025 service changes

[In the formative months of Farm&City in early 2017, we created this report, working with AURA leader, John Laycock, but just realized that we had never posted it on our website, which was launched months later. With the launch of Cap Remap today, it seemed important to post this as a record of part of …

Reforming the Capital Metro Board Citizen Advisory Committees

Ruven Brooks is a senior and transit advocate who believes that public input into transit design needs to be much deeper than the occasional public hearing with three minute speeches. Why Change the Committees? In the City of Austin, citizen advisory committees can be very important and powerful organizations; the dreaded Zoning and Platting Commission …

Project Connect: Why Oltorf and Pleasant Valley should jump into Phase II

Austin’s transit agency, Capital Metro, is engaging in a long term transit planning process that could lead to future light rail lines, bus rapid transit, and enhancements to existing high capacity transit. Project Connect 2.0 follows on the failure of the 2014 bond referendum that could have built Austin’s first light rail line. Many felt …