2022: The year in Farm&City media hits

A significant part of our policy change strategy involves educating the public and leaders through engagement with public dialogue in the media. We change stories and framing to yield a paradigm that allows for rapid improvements in the quality of life of all Texans. We track when a Farm&City staff member or volunteer speak with …

Austin Makes More Forward Progress on Land Use Reform

The most effective way for Austin to address housing un-affordability, climate change, and traffic safety, is to allow more housing within walking distance of high quality transit in the city. An overall increase in the supply of housing in the city will relieve upward price pressure. Denser housing near transit will allow for more people …

The Costs of the Texas transportation system

Policy Hacking with Farm&City: The Costs of the Texas transportation system

Please plan to join us for Policy Hacking with Farm&City Thursday, November 3rd at 4pm Central / 3pm Mountain “The Costs of the Texas transportation system” This will be a hybrid event that is free and open to the public. You are welcome to join us virtually, or in person at Capital Factory in downtown Austin …