$482m for safer Austin traffic corridors

In 2016, Austin voters approved a $720 million transportation bond. The city branded it as a Mobility Bond and authorized a Contract with Voters to facilitate accountability of such a large-scale set of expenditures. The contract lays out how the bond money should be split among three categories. $137m for local mobility projects, $101m for regional …

A safer Texas, one 311 request at a time

I live and work on North Lamar between North Loop and Koenig. It’s the first place I’ve lived in Texas that enables anything close to an urban lifestyle. Meaning that I live in a nice little apartment and can easily walk to several shops and restaurants. I can bike to HEB in ten minutes, and …

$480m Up For Grabs in CAMPO TIP Call

Like all Metropolitan Planning Organizations in Texas, Austin’s CAMPO develops a short-term Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) every two years that ties together all regionally significant transportation projects in an attempt at a cohesive plan that meets long term vision and goals established in the longer Regional Transportation Plan process. A lot of the funding decision …