Modal Freedom

At Farm&City, we are dedicated to advocating for funding and policies that support public transit, active transportation, and an inclusive approach that exceeds ADA standards. Our mission is to ensure that everyone has the freedom to choose how they travel, promoting diverse and accessible transportation options that reduce the need to drive.

Our Approach

  • Public Transit Funding: We advocate for increased investment in public transportation to provide reliable and efficient options for all Texans.
  • Active Transportation Funding: We support funding for biking and walking infrastructure, ensuring safe and convenient pathways for non-motorized travel.
  • ADA Funding: We push for funding and policies that go beyond the minimum ADA standards to create truly inclusive transportation systems.
  • Multimodal Design Standards: We promote design standards that integrate various modes of transportation, making it easier and safer for everyone to move around.
  • Car Subsidy Reduction: We work to reduce subsidies for car-centric infrastructure and policies, encouraging a shift towards more sustainable and equitable transportation options.

Freedom to Travel

  • Freedom to Choose: Ensuring that all Texans have the freedom to choose their mode of transportation, whether it’s walking, biking, taking public transit, or driving.
  • Inclusive Infrastructure: Creating transportation systems that accommodate the needs of all users, including those with disabilities, the elderly, and families with children.
  • Sustainable Mobility: Promoting transportation options that reduce carbon emissions and support environmental sustainability.


  • Texas Mobility Fund: Successfully advocated for the Texas Mobility Fund, which supports transportation projects across the state.
  • Austin’s 2020 Project Connect Funding Vote: Played a key role in the successful funding vote for Project Connect, Austin’s ambitious transit expansion plan.
  • Safe Multimodal Access Bonds in Austin: Helped secure bonds for safe multimodal access in Austin, improving infrastructure for biking, walking, and public transit.

By advocating for diverse and accessible transportation options, we aim to create a Texas where everyone has the freedom to travel safely and conveniently, regardless of their mode of transportation.