How to protect your neighborhood against growing traffic, climate change

Vehicle Miles Traveled, VMT, is a crucial measure of how much we travel, individual, by neighborhood, or across a metropolitan region, or nation. Household VMT is a huge input in our personal carbon footprint and transportation costs. Total VMT in a region is directly related to the rate of traffic fatalities. Traditionally, VMT has been regarded as …

The continued relevance of Growing Cooler a decade later

In 2007, the Urban Land Institute released Growing Cooler (pdf) a landmark, now highly-cited, publication on the link between climate change and transportation. It is also a basis for our work to empower communities and elected officials with better information and analysis to help build a sustainable, equitable Austin region. Carbon emissions from transportation are over …

There are 7 votes ready for CodeNEXT V.3

Two separate groups of city council members have released statements in the lead up to the release of CodeNEXT V.3. Together, these six council members and Mayor Adler unequivocally call for a new land use code. Although they certainly may each disagree on various details in that code, should they continue to feel that the …