El Paso Families Need Complete Streets

The people of El Paso are on the verge of getting Complete Streets

On Tuesday (July 19th) the El Paso City Council will consider for adoption a Complete Streets policy to improve safety and walkability across the city. The matter comes before the council just days after Smart Growth America released their 2022 Dangerous by Design report in which El Paso ranked as the most dangerous city in …

Dangerous by Design

Too Many Texas Cities are Dangerous by Design

Today Smart Growth America released their annual Dangerous by Design report, noting that “the number of people struck and killed while walking reached yet another new high in 2020” and the numbers for 2021 are looking worse. This is because while driving decreased in 2020, drivers continued to use our streets and roads exactly as …

TXDOT staff present update on new safety funding to the TTC

TxDOT Staff Present First Projects from New $600m in Safety Funding to Transpo Commission

The first 14 TXDOT projects ever to use the new Road to Zero safety funding should be let today at the monthly meeting of the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC). Yesterday, at the December 11, 2019 TTC workshop, TxDOT staff presented updates on various programs and projects currently underway, including details on progress made by the Safety …