Austin World Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Traffic Violence

On an average day in Texas, twelve people will die in traffic crashes and more than 50 will suffer life-altering injuries, such as brain damage or loss of a limb. We gather every year for the World Day of Remembrance to honor and remember those who have died in traffic crashes and demand solutions from …

TxDOT’s refusal to use an equitable scenario planning process with alternative reasonable future growth forecasts renders their “No Build” analysis meaningless in the climate emissions, air quality, and traffic modeling analysis.

Farm&City comments on item 45 – Calling for meaningful climate and air quality analysis of the proposal to fix I-35

Hello Mayor Watson and Council Members, Thanks so much for your consideration of Item 45, seeking to improve the climate emissions reduction and air quality improvement strategies of the plan to fix I-35 and rebuild the historic urban street grid. Farm&City is a tiny nonprofit and we don’t have funding to do this particular work, …

2022: The year in Farm&City media hits

A significant part of our policy change strategy involves educating the public and leaders through engagement with public dialogue in the media. We change stories and framing to yield a paradigm that allows for rapid improvements in the quality of life of all Texans. We track when a Farm&City staff member or volunteer speak with …