Policy Drivers Episode Four: Adam Greenfield

Adam Greenfield is a local advocate and community organizer in Austin who focuses on the importance of public spaces, walkability, and building communities. Adam combines all of these passions into his organization Built Curious, his leadership roles at BikeAustin and WalkAustin, and as Chair of the City of Austin Pedestrian Advisory Council. If you are …

Proposed Walkable Places and TOD ordinances will build a more walkable Houston

The Houston City Council will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 21st and 22nd, 2020 to discuss the proposed Walkable Places and transit-oriented development (TOD) city ordinances. The TOD ordinance would apply for TOD areas in Midtown, Emancipation Ave, and Hogan and Lorraine St pilot areas. The proposed ordinances would allow for a more pleasant …

Discussion series “Policy Drivers” kicks off with Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison

Come check out our new video podcast, “Policy Drivers,” where we talk to prominent Texans who are transforming public policy within the state. Farm&City’s four Summer 2020 Interns, August, Madilyn, Olivia, and Tynan, will talk to leaders from across the state about the work they are doing and what it takes to succeed in policy …