Policy Hacking: Safe Routes to School

Join us October 13th for Policy Hacking with Farm&City: Safe Routes to School — Cancelled due to COVID

CANCELLED – we apologize for the late notice, but due to our team being exposed to COVID, for the sake of public health, and to let our team isolate and recover, we have cancelled the Oct 13th Policy Hacking. We will be back next Month on the first Thursday – November 3rd – as usual. …

El Paso City, County and MPO commit to Vision Zero

Every year dozens of people are injured or killed on El Paso area roadways, with around 40% of them being pedestrians – such as Rodolfo Hernandez (pictured below, photo by Omar Ornelas of the El Paso Times) who was struck by a motorist in downtown El Paso, and left with lasting physical and emotional scars. …

Dangerous by Design

Too Many Texas Cities are Dangerous by Design

Today Smart Growth America released their annual Dangerous by Design report, noting that “the number of people struck and killed while walking reached yet another new high in 2020” and the numbers for 2021 are looking worse. This is because while driving decreased in 2020, drivers continued to use our streets and roads exactly as …