TxDOT’s refusal to use an equitable scenario planning process with alternative reasonable future growth forecasts renders their “No Build” analysis meaningless in the climate emissions, air quality, and traffic modeling analysis.

Farm&City comments on item 45 – Calling for meaningful climate and air quality analysis of the proposal to fix I-35

Hello Mayor Watson and Council Members, Thanks so much for your consideration of Item 45, seeking to improve the climate emissions reduction and air quality improvement strategies of the plan to fix I-35 and rebuild the historic urban street grid. Farm&City is a tiny nonprofit and we don’t have funding to do this particular work, …

Policy Hacking with Farm&City - Why is Austin getting so expensive?

Policy Hacking: Why is Austin Getting so Expensive?

Policy Hacking with Farm&City: December 2nd, 4pm CST Join us for a presentation on the growth of the Austin region, housing and transportation affordability, land development codes, and how the Austin region could instead plan for affordability, health, sustainability, and equity. Policy Hacking with Farm&City is a monthly virtual gathering designed to engage and support …

Austin Parking Reform Coalition Website

Austin Parking Reform Coalition has formed to remove un-affordable parking mandates

UPDATE: You can now visit the new Austin Parking Coalition website at http://www.atxparkingreform.org/ As the high affordability, environmental, and traffic costs of excessive parking has become widely apparent, the outdated practice of minimum parking requirements is being overturned across the country, with the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations publishing policy papers calling for the removal …