Policy Drivers Episode Six: Heyden Black Walker

Farm&City’s intern cohort is slowly nearing the end of their time at the organization this summer, but we still have a great lineup for our upcoming Policy Drivers discussions. We are excited to have all of our listeners and watchers along for the ride.

One of our recent guests was Heyden Black Walker. Heyden is currently Director of Planning at Black + Vernooy Architecture and Urban Design and is significantly involved in many local networks and initiatives, including but not limited to, Vision Zero ATX, Austin Outside, and Reconnect Austin. 

“Someone built it that way, and it can be rebuilt. Changing the construction can change the use”

– Heyden Black Walker

Heyden has been incredibly triumphant during her career in Austin and she truly inspired us all with her passion for local advocacy and urban planning. One of her biggest pieces of advice for us is to never stop listening. In the policy world, this is incredibly important, especially with so many contrasting views.

Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel for future episodes! We hope you enjoy this episode of Policy Drivers! 

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