Sunday, November 21, 2021 1:00 PM CT / 12 noon MT
Thanks to everyone who joined us from all across the state. In addition to our remembrance ceremony, several volunteers spent the greater part of the day reading remembrances of the over 4,000 people who died as a result of traffic violence over the last 12 months. These volunteers began reading at 9am, and continued until just after 9pm – demonstrating the enormity of our traffic violence problem in Texas.
We can’t let this continue, and call upon you to join us in demanding change to our transportation system
Our 2021 Call To Action
We need responsible actions at all levels of decision-making – state leadership by the legislature, Governor and TxDOT, with regional investments to follow, and community supported solutions. This is a problem with a solution. Texans can fix it together. It’s time to change course.
We are asking our elected officials to:
- Take a decisive turn on distracted driving
- Texas should not be the last state to adopt Hands Free.
- Small penalties for basic violations
- Large penalties / justice for those causing harm
- Every city (and county?) should act now, given the legislature’s inability to be responsible.
- Take a decisive turn on speed
- TxDOT should:
- Fully abandon the failed 85th percentile and reactive design system
- Plan for safe design speed on all projects
- Lege should consider a suite of solutions:
- Variable speed limits
- Automated speed enforcement
- Safe neighborhood streets
- Invest significantly in retrofitting streets and roads to safe design speed
- Metropolitan Planning Organizations should:
- Shift investment strategies to retrofitting existing facilities to safe design
- Encourage and require safe design in project selection

It’s not to early to begin planning for next year – when we hope to once again gather in person – and host gatherings in cities all across the state. Will you consider hosting such a gathering for families of victims of traffic violence, for small groups, or even a larger gathering?
Hosts will need to:
- Arrange for a means to watch and listen to, and to be seen and heard by others on the statewide virtual Vigil
- This can be as simple as a laptop, or a smart phone for one person, or a small group
- Or a complex set up with a projector, screen, speakers and microphones for a large group
- Log into the statewide virtual Vigil 15 minutes before the event begins
- Recruit people to join your gathering
The 2022 Texas World Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Traffic Violence will be Sunday, November 20th, 2022